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I was feeling lost and like I did not fit anywhere…I have never been so blessed, I thank God for his leading me.  God is doing great things in my life.  


   Barbara E.

I can simply put it this way:  That if you have ever wondered what a miracle looks like, I am a walking miracle.  When I spoke the words, “I surrender,” my life has never been the same, it has only gotten better each passing year.


   David A.

Once a junkie…I wanted to end my life with an overdose of drugs.  I did try to do it but God spared me before with three other overdoses.  I couldn’t even die when I wanted to.  So, I remember calling out on God and saying, “If you are real, will you help me change my life?”  For the first time I went to church with my sister-in-law and daughter and I felt the presence of God, He was touching my heart…I was filled with the Holy Ghost and God delivered me from all my drug addiction.  I didn’t have one withdrawal.  

I just love and praise God for all He has done for my life.


   Diana S.

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